1. What did you think of my product?
Answers: I would buy it, i especially like your double page spread
It was well layed out x3
It is good and proffesional x4
It was attractive x2
From the results of the question one i can say that most people found my product proffessional showing that i achieved my goal and that the research i did was necessary.
2. What do you think i could have done better?
Answers: Front cover, the image is distorted x5
Wrote more on the contentsx2
The coverlines bolder x3
Question 2 shows that my image was minipulated to much or stretched to a sze which was too big proving that the centra image is the most noticable thing on the front cover and one of the main attractions to my target audience.
3. What did you like about my product?
Anwers: Front cover was very proffesional
Central image
Colour schemex2
The main coverlinex2
The titlex3
The coverlines
In conclusion questoin three shows that my Tittle was a good chocie and it attracks my target audience appropiatly.
4. What did you not like?
Answers: Editors letter
Font x3
The distorted picture
The cover lines
The brown box
I liked it all x3
From the 7/10 who could answer this question i learnt that i should have use a better font then i maybe would have appealed to more target audiences.
5. Do you thin my central image is appropiate?
Yes x10
No x0
Question five shows the effort i put into my my pictures and the minipulating works off because it attracked my audience like i needed it to, and shows that it connates my genre.
6.Do the colours compliment each other?
Yes x10
Again the 10 people asked all agreed that i picked the colour scheme well as it made the coverlines stand out as well as blend in with my central image, showing that the colours also help attracted my target audience.
7. Do i have enough coverlines?
Yes x10
The survey shows that everyone thought that my front cover has just the right amount to balance with the picture and to show the content as everyone agreed that i have enough coverlines.
8. Do i have enough content?
yes x10
10/10 people thought the contents page was full of content and had enough to enagae the reader, showing the reseach i did paid off.
9. What could i have added to my contents page to make it better?
more pictures x2
I think there is enough x8
Question number 9 shows me that if i could change something on my contents page i would add more pictures, that way it would appeal to everyone.
10.Did my double page spread read well?
yes x10
10/10 shows that the research on the band i was writting on (Mcfly) worked and i expressed my oppinions and views across to the audince well.
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